Friday, May 24, 2013

Jamal Bonner!

Expect new poems from Jamal once a week for three weeks!

To the.. (2013)

To the fifteen year old rape victim who won't be seen off to her sweet sixteen because the dumpster is her resting ground, my sympathy towards you,

And To the,sixteen year old who watches her mother push her limits on, how many more pills can I hold, liquor and coke can I control before I overdose, my, not so frozen soul to you,

To the seventeen year old who, no longer knows who she is or will become, because with no fatherly guidance was instilled and Jim joe bob and will is who she'll console to, my, not so cold heart to you

To the eighteen year old whose love of her life was plotting on penetrating, inseminating, leaving before the birth of baby not so like you, or, more like you than I can handle, may peace be with you,

To baby what's his name of some age or another, who wants to be everything he sees on tv there is a world beyond the medias screen and fan screams, I promise you that,

To the counselor of the boy, I want to be just like you when I grow up, give him something worth growing up to, something worth manning up to, a fight worth standing up to show him how a real man should do,

To school teacher in it all for the salary, and would rather or not waste her time teaching youth who, just, won't, get it, you helped create them, you helped mold a generation who are more concerned with the"gold all in my chain, gold all in my ring, gold all in my watch don't believe me just watch" how it all dwindles,

To the school systems who think black history should be taken from literature because it's demeaning, explain to me how that is, not telling a race about their past because the information will cause mass hesteria, it's like taking Sex Ed from a virgin because learning how to use a condom, might get them pregnant,

To our government who funds this land of the wealthy , home of the slave , I have no words for you , between the dropping of our beloved drugs, in inner city homes to the would not be thugs, school systems with systems that haven't been configured right , lies in every day literature and shutting down of job sites, gentrification designed to kill off generation by generation, I lost faith in you a long time ago, by your people for your people , and well, my people struggle to escape a box that we can barely even see through. ~


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